I rarely get a chance to watch tv programming in "real time" as it airs unless it is something Chris is watching, since he has the tv. However, I actively am downloading and following these shows during the fall season:
Monday - Heroes
Tuesday - Gilmore Girls, (I know, I don't like to talk about it) Veronica Mars***
Wednesday - America's Next Top Model, Lost, Project Runway (for one more week!!)
Thursday - The Office***, Smallville
Friday - Degrassi: The Next Generation, Battlestar Galactica***
*** sincere favorites and priorities in life
However, Chris bought Stella season one and only on dvd, which somehow means I have to also download all seasons of the State, Upright Citizens Brigade, Wet Hot American Summer, Stell shorts, and all seasons of Mr. Show.
It's a tough job but someone has got to do it.
The job being, having a huge crush on Michael Showalter

Speaking of crushes, I hate it when one is single and any guy who is nice and funny and attractive, I get a crush on. Like in the Breakfast Club, "some of them I consider my girlfriends, and some of them I just consider." I consider many these days. But no dice. Andrew Dice Clay need not apply.
but thats half the fun of being single, silly. crushes on everyone in sight.
and to answer your other post's question, I DO. its purely for empirical reasons -- i work on blogger now.
okay, its also because you're on my feed.
don't you miss silicon vaaaalley?
10:19 AM
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