The wacky misadventures of my life. Also known as, I have no one to talk to other than my computer. But Doogie Howser did it, so it's got to be cool, right?

Monday, October 09, 2006

The Critic

At work now, i have watched three episodes of the Critic, everyone's favorite Jon Lovtiz-voiced cartoon film critic of yesteryear. I distinctly remembered this one joke where at Marty (Jay's son) goes to the School of the United Nations, and at the school track meet, there is a kid from Eastern Island. He, of course, is just one of those heads. In addition, in two out of three episodes I've watched, there have been Marlon Brando and Al Pacino impressions/mocking.

The battery on my walkie talkie is dead. I am on the opposite side and floor of the hospital where they are filming. I will never know when thye are done.


Blogger Sasha said...

are we going to get to see pi'tures?

9:38 PM


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